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Ocean Of Silence

Ocean Of Silence

By SmilesFadeAway

As im walking through the rain, i look past a puddle and stare deep into my reflection, i see you, but i dont see my reflection, its his..
I've lost the only thing truly dear to me
And i cannot blame anyonre for my mistakes, for she is perfect in everyway known to man,
She is trying to fix me, For i am not Broken,
i am just a shadow ammoung her
I heard her cries upon her laying in my arms,
Who am i?... Am i alive?
Should i even been here?
Im slipping from this World
Into another...

As i pear into the Ocean of Silence, i cast away my body away
I slowly begin to sink as my lungs begin to ache
I slowly close my eyes and think of think i never had
I begin to dream of you, how i could love you

Something wakes me up, and i open my eyes
Your standing there with those beautiful blue eyes
Staring right in my heart, you give me a kiss and whsiper to my ear
"This is only a Dream"

My body is now resting in the ocean of Silence

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About This Story
1 Oct, 2010
Read Time
<1 min
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