Odd one out or in?
It's funny. I used to be great, excellent even. Perfect. If only i had realised then. I was a selfish bitch with a life i didnt appreciate. If only someone had told me. Its funny how a family can tear your life apart. I hate how things can happen with just a snap. I begin to see things ina new way. MY skin itches when i am within distance of someone who clearly shows that they dont relaised how fortunate a life they live. Before, I would never feel lonely. Now what have I become? Nothing but a sad miserable person. Yeah I am doing fine at school, but the usual laughter has come and gone. I have learnt that the world will not stop for you. Some have more obstacles than others and it is to those people that this short story is dedicated to. Everyone has their own problems. So which catergory do you fit into: "oh shit i forgot to bring my sports uniform, my life has ended" OR "i dont want to go home because once i hear the shouting, it leaves me sleepless" ? you be the judge.
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