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One Lost Life Is Another one Gained and Another one Fading

One Lost Life Is Another one Gained and Another one Fading

By katie64

He was in the operating room. Watching over his wife, she was giving birth to their son. It's okay ust breath he was saying next to his wife. Her chest was heaving in and out fast. She let out a scream, and sank back into the pillows. She sighed and fluttered her eyes closed.
Everything was in slow motion for him, the sound of the machines humming, the buzzing of the chatter in the room, and the sound of her breathing.
Her heart rate was slowing.
He leaned down. No, no no noononononoononoonononno! this was not supposed to happen! A-a-a-are you okay? He was asking, his brain not working right. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Shesmiled. Than-n-nk you she managed to studder out. Thank you for listening to me, when nobody else would she said more clearly. H cryed even more. You gave me a son she said and I want you to be happy and take care of my baby boy as you took care of me, promise? Y-y-y-yes he said. Promise me you will not go down without a fight? She nodded her head yes.
The babys out the doctor yelled.
Let, let, let mem h-h-hold hi-
Just then her heart stopped, right as he slipped the boy into her arms-she didn't get to hold her baby.
No he shouted, no! Heshook her head and sobed. He slowly, slowly looked down at the baby, she let her life go by for her baby. She was the best mom ever, she cared for him even though she never even met him.
He slowly took up the baby- he would protect him with his life.
He looked at his son, he was perfect like his mother. I love you he said to the scrawny kid and handed him to the docter.
He walked out of the room no longer strong enough to bear seeing his wifes lifeless body laying there on the bed.
He paused for a second when he was down the hall, he felt wierd, strange. He dicided to go back once more.
When he got there his wife was slowly ever so slowly breathing! Doctor, doctor he yelled they ran in the room and sped up her breathing.
He quickly sped over to his wife and held he hand.
You have a perfect baby boy he said. She smiled and dozed off.

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About This Story
11 Jan, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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