one week of love
By Jenn_cupcake
once their was a girl her name was jenna she was in love with a boy.her brother knew him and invited him for a sleep over.he stayed over for a week.
on monday:they talked while her brother was asleep she was happy that they did
on tusday:they played video games together while her brother whent to help his
mom with a car repair
on wensday:she thout everything was turning out gerat but then...
on thusday:he went to his brothers girlfreinds house turnes out he likes on of her sisters.
on friday:he told her that the girl he went to see had a beautiful smile.jenna has metal and wires in her mouth so of course her smile is not beautiful.
on saturday: the girl and jennas crush went to the park and jenna saw them kiss.
on sunday:he left and jenna stood heart broken and for ever unloved by the boy she tought she loved
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