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Online Relationship Adviser
Online Relationship Adviser

Online Relationship Adviser


Let's be honest, most of the relationship advisers on the internet are females. The short email conversation below shows however, what would happen if the advisor is a male.

Dear Steve,

My husband and I are married for over ten years now. In the past few months he started to act kind of weird, made and received phone calls and text messages late in the evening, always saying they are from or to work. While I wanted to believe him it still bothered me greatly, thinking he might be cheating on me.

Yesterday morning as usual I kissed him and left to work. My workplace is about a thirty minutes drive. After being on the road for about a mile, my car suddenly just stopped and would not start again. I knew my husband always leave the house for work about an hour after me, so I thought I will just leave my car and ask him to take me to my job. I walked home quickly to get there before he is gone. As soon as I entered the house, I heard some weird noises and giggling from the bedroom. I opened the door and found my husband naked, in bed with a much younger girl. A world collapsed in me, and I am crying since, as I have no idea what to do?

Could you please help me with some advise?


Dear Jessica,

First, you need to check your car battery as it is the most common problem that stops a car. Also, worth to check the fuel line as it might be clogged.

Best regards,

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About This Story
15 Dec, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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