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Tony142004Tony Armstrong

Once upon a time their were four kids named Kelly,Josh,Alex,and James. These kids were all orphans they got tired of the same routine everyday wakeup,eat,sleep,and repeat. The kids had an idea they all packed their bags and left they didn't know where they wanted to go, but they thought everything would be better if they just left. Two days past and they got no where, then James wanted to go back to the orphanage, but he couldn't they didn't know the way back then all of a sudden Kelly pointed out two sets of train tracks the tracks to our left went north the one to our right went south as Alex said the four words no one wanted to hear he said "I HAVE AN IDEA" josh said oh boy what is it Alex replied saying how about 2 of us go on the left train and 2 go on the right Kelly disagreed and said we should stick together she said "we are stronger with 4 then with 2".

The rain started to pour down really hard and we had no shelter so we wandered into the forest and then James slipped and fell into a deep hole that turned out to be a cave everyone else followed behind him and came down into the cave,then for some odd reason they found light in the cave and a cage. Kelly slowly walked toward the cage and took a peak in it was little boy and a blob couldn't quite tell what it was Kelly tried to open the cage but it was locked .then Josh ended finding a note saying No matter what DO NOT OPEN THIS CAGE the ink looked like blood, old dried up blood Kelly said we cant open the cage anyway Theresa no key, but Alex was snooping around and then he screamed everyone rushed to Alex it was a skeleton with something in his hand. Kelly said"THE KEY" she rushed to the cage and told the boy everything was gonna be alright she opened the cage and ......... TO BE CONTINUED

Author Notes: by: Tony Armstrong p.s I will be making an orphan part 2


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About The Author
Tony Armstrong
About This Story
22 Oct, 2018
Read Time
1 min
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