Dr. Cloudy was at the hospital making his morning rounds when, suddenly, a voice came on the intercom. "Paging Dr. Cloudy, paging Dr. Cloudy, please come to the third floor nurses station".
Dr. Cloudy dropped everything and immediately went to find out what was so urgent. When he got there, this beautiful long haired nurse introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Kitty Fairweather, you're new scrub nurse". Dr. Cloudy was totally flabbergasted. She was so beautiful! He just couldn't take his eyes off her. She had big green eyes, jet black hair with a few streaks of gray here and there, and a long sleek body.
The next day they worked side by side in surgery. After all their work was finished, Kitty Fairweather asked Dr. Cloudy out to dinner and he accepted her invitation. She told him she would pick him up at 8:00 pm.
That night, they went to the most extravagant place in town, and ordered the special of the night, Catfish Dinner. For dessert they ordered Chocolate Mouse.
Being a lady of the 90's, Kitty Fairweather was a bold cat. So, paw in paw they walked along to Dr. Cloudy's house. When they got to the door she gave him a big goodnight kiss there in the moon light. Dr. Cloudy saw stars!
The next day while Dr. Cloudy was making his rounds, several of his patients noticed a considerable difference in his bedside manners. You see, Dr. Cloudy normally had a rather dreary personality, but today he was all smiles. What they did not know was, since that one kiss from nurse Kitty Fairweather, Dr. Cloudy is now only partly cloudy.
Author Notes: This story was posted in honor of my mother, Shelia Kathryn Hackney, who passed away on May 2, 2014 in Ohio University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio. Please feel free to contact me with any comments, and let me know if you like the story. You can contact me at [email protected]. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy.
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