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Please come back ..I'm sorry!!!

Please come back ..I'm sorry!!!

By imissyou

In 2010 i lost everything. I lost my best friends, my family and my life. I used to have a best friend she was also my cousin, other half and like a sister to me. I used to tell her all my secrets. We would spend hours on the phone laughing and sometimes crying afraid to lose each other. She would sing to me tell i fell asleep. she used to hold my hand and we would walk hours at night telling each others stories. i was the one that dried her tears and made her forget the world and and she would promise me to always be on my side, but that doesn't matter anymore beacuse she is a liar. i fought for her. I ruined my life just to make her happy, but when i needed her most she forgot about me and left me suffering, but ill never forget her the girl that used to put a smile on my face.
Everybody stopped loving me because i made one little mistake Im only 15 I didnt know better. Why wouldn't they come back I said I was sorry. Mommy love me like you used to do. Where's the mom that would hold my hand when i was little the mom that would dry my tears that would feed me when i was hungry, the mom that loved me and put me on her side 24/7 to make sure i was safe. How could she forget all of that, I didnt! Why did she make a little mistake ruin us.
What happened to the uncle that was like a big brother to me. The brother that was alway on my side. That would protect me.Make sure i was happy, tould me stories.Played with me when i was little. We lived together like brother and sister. I would wait hours for him to come home from school. I loved him like nobody else did. he was the only one i had. I guess he forgot about all of that, but i didnt it will always remain in my heart forever. He would tell me what happened to the little girl I would scream out im here!!
No dad no mom no brother or sister no friend no body loves me anymore. I dont have anybody to trust or to be on my side anymore. I sit all alone in my room staring at four walls while my tears fall from my face thinking to my self what happened to me, I used to have a life and people that cared about me. But nobody cares anymore i'm all alone in this big world with mistakes on my side. I'm sorry come back!!!

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About This Story
9 Jan, 2011
Read Time
2 mins
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