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Poem 8 of 365
Poem 8 of 365

Poem 8 of 365


Under empty sky’s we lie sightless views witnessed, Still, crisp air lies heavy on the tongue. Chattering teeth in the summer sun moving through torrent storms on rushed winter air need to let go for more time to roll and shudder in the breeze to feel its soft gentle touch on spring whispers that guides and watches your travels to see an almost nothing imperceivable by eye but felt by spirit.

A gaze of wondering lust that wants to love all it touches, to be the trees in stoic movement that dances in the glade, to watching the hovering of ants and adventures of the spider as it travels on westward winds. Oh to live a thousand life’s through imagination that stretches and warms to techno color beginnings and whirlwind ends that flutter on twists and sleep on the start to begin on the middle the end on the start all stories need a word from your creation to believe in what you read see with color not on meaning but with feeling.

Down far spun travels and walk tightrope bound to fall and land on soft sand the sits in hair and underwear and giggle and froth on the sea to dance along with the jellyfish beat. feel the limbs that stick long round, a tendril that has no want or desire but fulfills requests again and another. To beat with excitement at the thought of a billion colors and blimp skin to paper and starts again to the eye and believe with all ambition on words will lie and they listen to all who read and all who think a word shall have a thousand different meanings.

Author Notes: This was a lot of fun just at the end where it felt, I had just started and the words keep flowing from fingers to my brain and back again

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About This Story
28 Aug, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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