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2 Reviews

"I will always love you."
That was the first promise he made and the first lie he told.

She was told by all her friends that he was lying but she loved him, she believed him, she was wrong.
For he didn't love her, he never did and she would never know. Until March 16th that was when she knew. She had a whole 5 months of lies but she never knew. She never knew about all the other girls, about all the broken promises and all the lies he told.

"There is no one other than you."
That was the second promise he made and the second lie he told.

She was told by all his exes that he was a player and a cheater, but she loved him, she believed him, she was wrong.
For he still didn't love her, he never would and she still didn't know. Until March 16th that was when she knew. He still had 4 months to use her, to fool her, to play her. She never knew about all the other girls, all the broken promises and all the lies he told.

"You're my first thought in the mornings."
That was the third promise he made and the third lie he told.

She was told by all her therapists that he sounded risky, unsafe even, but she loved him, she believed him, she was wrong.
For that boy didn't love her, he never did and she would never know. Until March 16th that was when she knew. There were another 3 months to go. 3 months of lies and broken promises left to go through. She never knew about all the other girls, about all the broken promises and all the lies he told.

"You're my last thought at night."
That was the fourth promise he made and the fourth lie he told.

She was told by her loving mum that he was an ass, but she loved him, she believed him, she was wrong.
For he still didn't love her, he still never would and she still did not know. Until March 16th that was when she would know. He still had 2 months left. And she was still in love with him. She never knew about all the other girls, all the broken promises and all the lies he told.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."
That was the fifth promise he made and the fifth lie he told.

She was told by her dad that he wasn't to be trusted, but she loved him, she believed him, she was wrong.
For he didn't love her, he never would and she would never know. Until March 16th that was when she would know. He still had 1 month left. 1 month to plan the end. The end to their story that was supposed to be a magical fairytale. She never knew about all the other girls, all the broken promises and all the lies he told.

"I don't need you anymore, I'll be fine without you."
That was her reply to him breaking up with her.
That was also the first promise she made and the first lie she told.

She was told by everyone that he wasn't right, but she still loves him, she still believes him, she is still wrong
For he doesn't love her, he never will and now she knows. March 16th that's when she knew. There was no time left. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. That was the last promise he made and the first one he kept.

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4 Apr, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (2 reviews)

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