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Protected by Murderers: Chapter Seven
Protected by Murderers: Chapter Seven

Protected by Murderers: Chapter Seven

1 Review

"Babe, before we go, come meet my friends," Vanya says, and I roll my eyes before walking over to him.


"Zariha, meet Viktor," he gestures to a guy maybe a few years older than me.

"That's Rhys." he points at another guy. "Then there's Leo and his older brother, Nolan," he nudges his arm toward two guys staying close to each other, one taller than the other.

"I'm saying this unwillingly. Hi! I'm Zariha!." I roll my eyes as I say it and Nolan laughs. I look at Vanya and he has a hint of a smirk.

"Can we go now? I miss Lev." I look over my shoulder and see an old woman eyeing something in my cart. "Oh hell no." I mutter and walk over to the cart. I hear Vanya and someone else following after me.

"Can they meet Lev?" Vanya asks me and I ignore him. "I take that as a yes."

The old woman sees me and walks away quickly. "Mhm, they all know not to mess with me," I say and rush toward the front of the store to pay, Vanya and his friends at my heal.

Once home I hugged my aunt and she left, then I put the stuff I bought away. Feet clomping around the dining room made me pick Lev up and walk down the hall toward the dining room.

"Hey, Z." Vanya says and plops onto a dining chair. His friends follow in suit.

"Hey. Vanya, I'm gonna go get Lev dressed. I'll be down in, say, fifteen minutes. Lev is being cranky today." Lev smacks my shoulder and giggles.

"I can tell. Do you want some help?"

"No, hang out with you're friends. I have to make lunch anyway," I play the role of perfect housewife and he nods.

"Okay," he says and I walk upstairs and get Lev changd into the cute reindeer onesie I got him.

I change into the pajamas I got that matched and practically ran to the dining room.

"Oh, my god. What the hell are you wearing?" Vanya says, laughing.

"I made an effort trying to find these. Do you not have Christmas spirit?" I asks, and pretend to be shocked.

"Imagine him in that type of outfit!" Leo says and starts laughing.

"I mean, I did buy one for him, but I don't know." I say and his eyes widen.

"You are officially our new best friend." Nolan and Leo say together.

"Glad someone wants to be my friend, because someone doesn't like me having friends," I emphasise 'Someone'.

"For all you know they could be murderers!" Vanya says.

"Ahem, you're a murderer." I say matter-of-factly.

"That doesn't count. You've known me all your life."

"I- true." I say and roll my eyes.

Author Notes: I have given up on this part. Pls excuse the lack of 'emotion'

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26 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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