Purple People
Matt DeckerHistory hath that tendency
To weave this tragic tapestry --
Stained with pain
Bane of reign
Travesty and tyranny
Of devilish dynasty.
Beyond unwieldy doors
Of the olden palace
A bejeweled fool doth rule --
Loyal queen, royal flings
Blinged rings, golden chalice.
Jesters and minstrels
They play and they sing.
Doth the royal robe
Cloak a set of wings?
From floor to fort
Courts may sport warts
And crowns can be found
Upon heads of clowns.
Blood on the ground
Spectrum of sound
From desperate scream
To greed of cha-ching --
Treasures and measures
To which the king clings.
All the jewels and gems
Ruled and had by him
Or found within the realm --
May abate the fate
That surely awaits
Or neutralize the sting
The Grim One brings?
What tower
Or power
May beat back
That dark hour?
The supernova
Who just exploded
Onto the scene
Onto screens --
All that panache
And cache of cash
Blind by the lines
Of fame and flash.
Household name
Corners the game --
All the fame
In our world.
Carpets of red
Sidewalks carved
With stars
Lots of yachts
Sets of jets
Royalties and
Ev'ry last wish and whim --
Filled to the hilt and brim --
All this and all that
Not worth a sole soul
Ice is nice
For a price
But there abides
A side to Life
Beyond coin
Pearl and price.
Movers and shakers
Losers and takers
The winners
And then there's
The sinners.
Hoboes and CEOs --
One begs for Joe
In the open cold.
The other goes for gold.
Never mind net worth --
One Life, One Earth
Temporary ev'ry birth
Full circle unto dirt.
Stuff without Love --
Considering it's withering
What purpose is served?
What's the actual worth?
Shadow elite
Undisclosed street
Secretly they meet.
The course of our planet --
For worse they do plan it?
Behind darkened windows
Lines of agenda
What plots they discuss --
Future fate of us?
Here's the deal:
There comes a day
(Not too far away)
What's made
In the shade
Be revealed
Into light of
In the end
Where we've been
After the wins
Sins and friends
One thing will matter
Upon Life's ladder --
Did we climb after
Our King, The Master?
Šī¸ Matt Decker
Author Notes: "There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple..."
LUKE 16:19
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