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Horror Shorts
Horror Shorts

Horror Shorts

1 Review

Laying in bed alone at my house. Until the whispering came from my closet.

A shadowy figure is looking back at me in the corner of my room. It starts to smile.

Venturing an abandoned asylum alone is terrifying. Especially when footsteps come from behind.

I turn the lights off in the warehouse. The darkness whispered behind me, “You missed one.”

Woke up cold to see that my blanket was around my feet at the end of the bed. I went to grab it, but it pulled away.

I picked up a long loose piece of yarn laying on the floor. The other end tightened behind the closed basement door.

Never understood my child when he was younger. In the basement, he whispered to the wall of darkness in the back.

You know if you close your eyes in a silent place, you can hear the thing crawling towards you.

With doors closed, the lights off, and a candle lit, I stare in front of the bathroom mirror and try to say Bloody Mary three times. I only made it to two as everything went dark.

If you ever think something is watching you in the dark, don't confront it.

Look in the mirror and see yourself. Now look at the person behind you.

I hate playing horror games at night, and the game requests you to turn around.

It doesn't matter if you leave the lights on or off. It still knows where you are.

Strange how out in the middle of the woods after the first big snowfall, there is an outlining of a body in the snow, but no footprints.

Author Notes: Please rank and comment on this. Check the closet before you sleep.😉

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1 May, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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