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ThomastheRayThomas Ray
1 Review

"You're an idiot, you know that right?"

"...Yeah, of course."


"Shhh. I don't want to hear it right now."

"You messed everything up. Big time."

"Look, I know, okay?! Let it be, it's in the past."

"Your past. The past you acted out."

"Shut up, I know I messed up. Just shut up. It's not like I can fix the past."

"Of course not, you don't fix things. If there's one thing I know about you it's how freaking broken you are--"

"Shut. Your. Mouth."

"What mouth?"



"Why are you here?"

"When have I not been?


"You're worse than you even know. I've been around you for a while, and I don't think you even recognize how weak you are. You wander from day to day, doing things to please other people, lying whenever people ask, well, anything, come to think of it. You're one big lie. Blundering through the world trying to pretend you're perfect."

"That's not what I do."

"Oh really."


"Then why can't you be honest with yourself, you're terrified--"

"No, I'm not--"

"Yes you are! You aren't even man enough to admit it to yourself! You try to distract yourself from reality, drowning in fictional sorrows, because you know nobody can help with your real issues, and you aren't capable of fixing them on your own, so you ignore them. Face it, you're terrified of what people think of you."

"Please leave."

"When has that ever worked? You're a pathetic, lonely, weak, idiot waist deep in secrets you can't possibly keep forever, hoping beyond hope that everything will just smooth over eventually, but you know it won't, but you tell yourself it will. You always tell another lie."

"... yeah"

"How long until everyone finds out?"

"Not long."

"Well, that's one true thing you've said tonight. It'll all come crashing down, before too long. How will that feel?"

"Relieving. Huh, that feels good to admit."

"Happens. So, relief? As in you don't have to keep living a lie, or...?"

"I won't have to keep living, period. Once everything I am is revealed to be... Lies...."


"I won't have anything left."


"Aside from more of the same things I'm hiding from."

"Yeah. Well. For now, find a better hiding place. Wouldn't want to..."



Author Notes: Sorry if this is super heavy.

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About The Author
Thomas Ray
About This Story
28 Mar, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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