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"True Love Waits"

"True Love Waits"

By rhuechel

I just broke up with a guy last December 2007 whom I thought will be my husband. After seven months of having a relationship with that guy, we end up without any words at all. I know seven months was not a reasonable thing for me to think that I'm gonna marry. A couple of months later, by April of 2008 I met Donald, a friend of my ex boyfriend. My ex gave my number to him asking if I knew a boarding house available. I met Donald in person and became good friends. I shared Donald about me and my ex which is his friend too. Donald and I went to church together and spent a lot of days together. Until the time came when he courted me. I was afraid to answer him knowing that he's a friend of my ex. But then again, I said yes to him! We're so happy then. But as the day goes by, everything was change.

I started my college and decided to broke up with him. I was so selfish, I knew it but I don't wanna continue an affair with him when I already knew that I will not be able to spent time with him as what we were before. Sadly, we broke up! I cried so much. He was too so sad that he even texted me to kill himself for losing me. I was not affected physically but God knows I was bleeding inside. I focused on my studies then. I got a relationship with my guy classmate for only a month and broke up. I still long for Donald but I don't have his number anymore. I tried to find his friendster account and its been half a month too since he last opened it. I was weeping and do regrets why I allowed it to happen. I left a message on his account to call me or text me as soon as he got my number. Days, weeks had passed but receive nothing from him.

One month later, I got a call from an unknown number. Guess who called? Yeah! It's him, Donald. I was so happy that I was able to talk to him. We talked. I cried. All I know was that I'm happy and I can feel it that he was too. I asked where he was. He told me he's in Manila. I was so frustrated. I wanna see him. Hug and kissed him. How can I do that when he's miles away from me. I was in love with him again. We texted almost everyday. We talked through phones and waited until the day we meet again.

Last December 12, 2011, he was in Cebu. I was so excited to see him. Finally on the 13th day of December, I was able to met the person I thought I never loved. He kissed me and told me he missed me a lot. I was speechless then. I thought if I could turn back time, I won't do those things to him. Now we are so happy with each other. I am about to graduate too this March 2012 and plan to have a life with Donald forever. Loving, understanding and faith are the things we ought to do to make this relationship last until the day we both will say "I Do".

True love can wait no matter how far you are and whatever trials you have in your lives.

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19 Dec, 2011
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2 mins
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