It hardly ever rains in New Mexico
If it does then I gotta go
I’ll go outside with just a tshirt on
Summer rain- what is the harm?
But still days and days with no rain
I look straight above again and again
An ocean of blue up in the sky
No rain I must complain, everything is dry
Grandpa took me fishing the next day
I was hoping rain would come our way
We walked along the river casting our lines
Then some rain dropped among the pines
The rain bounced on the river a smidge
But we were fishing from under a bridge
I walked out to feel the rain
And the drizzle stopped once again
Is this God playing tricks on me
Shutting off his rain faucet at the count of three
I Love any rainfall either how big or how little
I will let it rain on my face and jump in a puddle
But wherever I am and wherever I go
It never ever rains in New Mexico
One time it rained on me and my Dad
But he blocked it with an umbrella he had
So I sat in my yard reading a book
Was that a drop, should I take a look
As I turned and stared into the sky
I saw a pigeon that went flying by
He dropped something white and it wasn’t rain
Something much worse that left a stinky stain
I closed the book and started to eat my lunch
When something wonderful came down in a bunch
It was so much rain that I could not complain
Better yet, I was soaking wet
My hair was wet, my head, my brain,
Have you ever got a hug from the rain?
So if you see a drizzle whatever it may be
A raindrop or a storm whatever you do see
Give the rain a hug and say it is from me.
Author Notes: If you enjoyed this, I have many more on shortstories 101--Beowulf.
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