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Redemption- Part One
Redemption- Part One

Redemption- Part One

BookNerd123Black Sheep

(Bren Sear´s pov.)

¨ I believe that every person has something they would like to take back, in my case multiple things. We all want redemption for the horrible nasty things we have done. Some people would want redemption for the words they have said, some their actions, and some things you would never expect.

I would like redemption for being the reason he died. I would like to go back and never get in that car, I would like redemption for pushing his buttons, and causing that crash. I would like redemption for all the horrible things I said to him and I would like a chance to tell him everything I didn't get to say. I would like for him to be back but we don´t get what we want,¨

I say calmly to the psychiatrist sitting across from me. She blinks, her pencil frozen over her notebook.

¨You do realize it is not your fault-¨ I huff and roll my eyes. She goes still and silent. ¨It is my fault but I guess we will have to talk about that next session want we?¨ She nods,¨Yes. I will see you then, Bren.¨ I nod and walk out of her office. My mom jumped up from her seat where she was reading a fashion magazine.

¨How did it go?¨ She asks. I shrug,¨I have some work to finish, can we go?¨ She nods,¨lets do that.¨

Author Notes: Hope you enjoy

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
21 Jan, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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