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Rhetorical Speech in Julius Ceasar
Rhetorical Speech in Julius Ceasar

Rhetorical Speech in Julius Ceasar



In the story of Julius Ceasar, a grave battle came upon his death. By grave battle, I mean the act of persuading the plebes to their sides. Brutus, an honored man among the plebes, said he loved Rome more than Ceasar. Brutus even hinted that Ceasar wanted to be crowned and enslave them. The plebes seemed to understand him before he left.

Anthony came to speak holding Julius Ceasar’s body, and this is where the tables turned. Brutus had said Ceasar wanted the crown, but that couldn’t be according to Anthony’s logic because he turned it down 3 times. Anthony brought a religious symbol into his speech by saying that even the gods loved Ceasar in which was slain by Brutus and his conspirators. He used hyperbole by saying, “Brutus is an honorable man,” multiple times throughout his speech sarcastically. Anthony even spoke plainly for those who don’t have a high education when he said, “Bloody treason flourished over us,” ensuring they understood his every word.

Anthony used his rhetorical speech to win over the crowd. His audience had forgotten of Julius Ceasar’s will and started revolting against the conspirators and Brutus. He did calm them down enough to read the testament of Ceasar; however, after hearing they rebelled more than before. Hearing that Julius Ceasar left 75 drachmas and his grand gardens to them they began charging to find the conspirators. During this, they mistaken and killed a poet because he had the name “Cina” like one of the well know conspirator.

Anthony was a smart speaker who’s rhetoric words won over the crowd. His words were simple and precise for those with little to no education to hear his claims. A mob came of this speech and revenge sturred among the people. They all fought in the battle of Philippi to take the conspirators down because of this, but most, if not all, the killed themselves in fear of being caught by Mark Anthony and Octavian.

Author Notes: I want honest reviews, please. I want to improve my writing in different areas.

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14 Nov, 2019
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