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Santa Clause is my Dad!

Santa Clause is my Dad!

By Patriciamaeaoyang

You know, my dad and Santa have so much in common. They both have big tummies. Thay both have white beard and mustache. When I sneaked into my dad's cabinet to have some of his perfume, I saw a red robe with a black belt hanging on the rod. When we were eating, he burped the way Santa did! My mom is also as beautiful as Santa's wife! Though they don't wrap gift on christmas days, they are able to put so many gift wrapped under the christmas tree and the wrappers are so colorful with toy pictures and letters t-o-y-s-a-r-e-u-s. That's why I thought to myself, They might have a hidden factory with lots and lots of elves. I tried to find it in our house but I can't. Maybe it is really in the Northpole and my Dad goes there everyday because he tells me he goes to his office but no! He goes to the Northpole. Whenever I make a list of the gifts I want, I don't get everything. Santa leaves a note for me saying, "You did one bad thing, child." and that's what my dad says everytime I do bad things. I saw a list of names on the table. I saw my friends' names, my cousins and my name. My dad is making the list like what santa does. One Christmas Eve, I tried to be awake the whole night to see who Santa really is. I heard footsteps down the chimney and saw my dad putting the gifts that I want. And, he left a note again saying, "You did one bad thing, child." I knew it! Daddy is Santa Clause! I told my classmates about it and they were all amazed. They sent me letters of what gift they want for christmas so my dad can give the gifts to them. Everytime i give hem the list of the gifts my classmates want, he would laugh Santa's laugh, maybe because he knew already that I knew his secret! Santa Clause is my Dad!

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1 May, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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