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Saturn's Granddaughters

Saturn's Granddaughters

By LeaSheryn

Saturn's Granddaughters
A Story by Lea Sheryn
Saturn wants to retire and has to decide which one of his granddaughters to leave in charge

With his chin propped in his palm, Saturn sat on the steps of his great temple, Saturnius Mons, to contemplate his situation. Being a great God of the Romans, he had led a full life overlooking the passage of time and the plentiful harvests of grapes and olives the people took such pains to cultivate throughout the years. Although a new God had taken the place of the old mythical gods centuries ago, there would be a toned-down version of the usual ceremonies and offerings to officiate; after all, there were a few thousand left who still honored him as their own deity. The bottom line was Saturn was bored. He wanted a vacation; no, he wanted to retire.

Studying his collection of maps, he decided New Zealand was the place for him. The idea of the beautiful lush green scenery along with the long stretch of white sand beaches was appealing to the Roman God who had given so much to the people of the only culture he had ever known. He could see himself lying beneath a sunshade with the sound of the waves lapping at the shore. He could sip Pina Coladas and eat kiwi fruits while surrounded by beautiful native girls. “Now that,” Saturn thought to himself, “was the life for a retired God of myth and legend.”

How could he make it work? Saturn wondered as he pulled on his long white beard. Who could he convince to take over his job when he was no longer around? His sons were all grown up with jobs of their own. Jupiter, the God of the sky and thunder, sat up in the cloudy heavens overseeing the firmament and making a big noise; Neptune was constantly on the move with the oceans and seas to take care of; Pluto spent his days with the dead as Lord of the Underworld. The daughters were just as busy. Juno, the Goddess of War; Ceres the overseer of fertility and Vesta who took care of the home and family. As much as he was proud of all of them, he rarely saw any of his children. They could, at least write, but they never did.

What was he going to do? If he didn’t get away, and soon, he would go absolutely bonkers. One more basket of olives ceremoniously delivered at his feet and he would blow his top. Saturn was at the end of his endurance. New Zealand was beckoning; he wanted to be gone in six months’ time.

The sound of laughter caught his ear. Four beautiful young ladies frolicked in the grass surrounding Saturnius Mons. They were the delight of the old God; they were his granddaughters. Like most busy parents, Saturn’s children had little time to spare for their offspring. Since their jobs kept them occupied the year ‘round, they had looked about for someone to take care of their children. It was Vesta, ever thoughtful of providing a steady homeplace for the youngsters, who decided the old man would be the best one for the job. Afterall, he only had the harvest and time to watch, and how much effort does that really take? So, without much ado, they packed up their girls and sent them along to their grandfather.

They were only toddlers when they first arrived. Four pretty little infants who captured the heart of the old God. Now they were grown and nearly ready to step into their own lives. Aurelia, the daughter of Jupiter, reminded him of the early morning sun just as it peaks over the horizon. Tall and slim, with golden yellow hair, her cheerful disposition brightened his day. Dressed in a high waisted gauzy gown the color of daffodils, she loved to express herself through the muses of dance and song. Neptune’s little Princess, Calytrix, was a natural water baby. She had arrived at Saturnius Mons with the shimmery green tail of a mermaid but had been given a proper set of legs by her grandsire so she could walk upright with the rest of her cousins. Her hair was abundantly red and her eyes the deep turquoise of the oceans she still adored. The dress she preferred was a perfect match for those beautiful eyes. The delight of their grandfather, the two elder girls lived in peace and harmony with people and animals alike.

The younger two brought cause for concern. The voluptuous daughter of Ceres, Quintessa, had men on her mind since the age of thirteen. There had already been many complaints about her in the nearby villages from the mothers and wives of many a young man. Saturn had to intervene as often as twice a week with promises to keep his third granddaughter in check. Scarlet was her favorite color, so she adorned herself in that deep shade of red while she made up her face with lipstick and rouge of a brazen shade. Platinum blonde replaced her natural brown locks while contact lenses changed her brown eyes to sapphire.

Always a tomboy, the youngest was Olivia. Daughter of the goddess of war, Juno, she dressed as a boy and insinuated herself into a troop of cadets training for battle. Dressed in the garb of a Roman soldier, it was a long time before anyone caught on to her true identity. When Saturn came down to collect her from the General’s office, she raged and stormed so violently it took the might of both the commander and the old God to carry her back to Saturnius Mons. She kept her brown hair cut to just beneath her ears while she held her penetrating hazel eyes on anything that moved. A brown belted tunic over green leggings with russet ankle boots was her preferred attire.

It suddenly occurred to Saturn that perhaps...just perhaps…one of the granddaughters would be suitable to take over his position as a goddess of the harvest and time. “Which one?” he wondered as he changed his left hand for his right and re-propped his chin. Like everyone else, they each had their good points and their bad ones. Aurelia would be too gentle a ruler; Calytrix longed for the sea; Quintessa was…well, Quintessa was who she was; and Olivia only wanted to play soldier. The old God decided to put each one of them on trial for six months while he decided who was best for the job.

Saturn spent his days sitting on the steps of Saturnius Mons in deep contemplation. The offerings of olives and grapes that year were less than normal. Only four hundred and twenty-two people showed up for the harvest ceremony. Even the steady and reliable old followers were drifting away. They didn’t believe like they used to. Everyone was busy during the work week; they were having fun on the weekends. Honoring a centuries old deity was no longer on the agenda. It was time for the old man to retire, he told himself. In New Zealand, he could forget the old ways and enjoy a life with no more worries.

One by one, he called his granddaughters before him. “What are your goals in life?” he asked each of them as they stood on the step beneath the one he sat upon.

“I want to watch the sun rise in the east and set in the west, dear grandfather,” Aurelia responded with a wistful look in her beautiful blue eyes. “I long to sing of the horizon and dance across the rainbow.”

Calytrix took no time to consider her reply. “To swim the oceans and leap toward the sky with the dolphins. I want a tail like a fish and the feel of the salt sea spray while I sun myself on a rock.”

Without a hint of shyness, Quintessa described her longing to dally with a man with the combined strength and masculinity of Hercules or Orion. She claimed she could tame him with a snap of her fingers or the blink of an eye.

“The Greatest Warrior who ever lived,” Olivia announced, without hesitation. With a look of determination, the young lady crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared unfalteringly into the mighty God’s eyes as she spoke. She knew no fear.

The old deity sat back in disappointment. Not one of them had the combined ability to take over his position as the keeper of time and the gatherer of harvests. It would be a disaster to single one out to put in charge of so much responsibility. New Zealand would have to remain a dream; never become a reality. Well, perhaps he could live without Pina Coladas and kiwi fruit. Sighing, he fell into a state of utter dismay.

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to him. What if he left them all in charge? They were each charming young ladies who were strong in their own way. He could go his own way and the girls could take over his old job. Smiling to himself, Saturn brought out his maps again and, with his finger, traced a path to New Zealand. Finally, after many centuries, he was going to retire, kick back, relax and enjoy life.

Calling his granddaughters to him, he laid out his plan. They were ecstatic! Saturnius Mons was theirs to do with as they pleased. Nothing could have been better; all involved were happy in their own way.

A funny thing happened after Saturn departed for New Zealand. The granddaughters brought a new life to Saturnius Mons. Young people flocked from miles around to give abundant offerings of grapes and olives in the names of Aurelia, Calytrix, Quintessa and Olivia. A huge music festival was given in the grounds of the temple with all the major bands showing up to perform. Aurelia danced, Calytrix gave swimming and diving lessons, Quintessa had the attention of all the young men who arrived, and Olivia gave demonstrations in the Art of War.

In the meantime, Saturn happily lived out his days on the sands in New Zealand. A sunshade and a beach chair were his home away from home. Pina Coladas and kiwi fruit took the place of grapes and olives. And, in the end, everyone lived happily ever after.

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11 Jul, 2021
Read Time
8 mins
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