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IvyIvy Lena
1 Review

Scars, we all carry them. Some very visible others worn on the inside of our very own souls. Judith carried hers on the inside, always had, always would. The outside world would never guess that ‘good ole Judith’ had a whole collection of scars. Why would they? Judith was a very private woman. She loved the company of others and listening to their daily woes but she never felt the desire to share her own. How could she, when hers were so much more darker.

You see, being taken for a fool never sat well with Judith. After all why should it? When people tried to or were successful at duping her, why should she not seek out her own moral payback? That way the world was kept in balance, wasn’t it?

So when Judith discovered that her sister had been keeping in touch with her ex, she sent her husband a card. The mystery of who was the sender caused havoc. Mistrust, lies and suspicions took over that household and Judith loved it.

“ karma has come knocking “ she said to herself. “And just desserts are gonna be served.”

But Judith did not foresee what a turn of events would take place. How could she? It wasn’t her fault was it? She was scarred after all.
Those were the phrases she kept telling herself.

Unfortunately the issue of the mystery card did not subside. When Judith’s sister was exonerated of any wrong doing, her and the husband joined forces and turned their attention outwards towards others.

A poor mother son relationship saw Thomas blamed for the card. Accusations were hurled through the air at him. It didn’t matter what he said or did no one would listen. The shame, humiliation, frustration sent him into a declining spiral of depression. Nobody believed him, nobody had his back. Six months later he committed suicide and Judith had to carry that scar too until she died.

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About The Author
Ivy Lena
About This Story
26 Jan, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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