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Secret-Part Five
Secret-Part Five

Secret-Part Five

BookNerd123Black Sheep

(Wren´s pov.)

Reid sits on the edge of my bed, hands clenched tightly around his phone. The phone continues to ring, I take his hand in mine, and he smiles relaxing slightly. They answer, his parents look exactly like him. ¨Hello mom and dad.¨ He says, posture rigidly straight, and voice bitingly cold. ¨Son, what do you need?¨"His dad questions as his mother drinks a blue liguid from a large wine glass.

¨I have to tell you something.¨ He squeezes my hand and I squeeze his back. ¨I am gay and I have a boyfreind-¨ His mom cuts him off,¨we are coming home in two days all of your things must be gone and your key in the mailbox. understand?¨ He nods, body slowly relaxing as they hang up the phone.

¨How did it go?¨ My mom asks walking in with three plates of lasagna. He shakes his head, she sits down beside him, and takes his hand. ¨Are you going to take my offer and move in?¨ He looks at her,¨I thought you were joking.¨ My mom laughs,¨no dear. Why don´t you and Wren go pick up yur things and find a place for them in his room?¨ I stare st my mom, totally perplexed.

¨You are going to let us share a room?¨ She laughs,¨why not? I was also once a teenager I now the things you two do, might as well get used to the idea.¨ She takes a bite of her lasagna. ¨your mom is amazing.¨ He whispers in my ear and kisses my temple. ¨You haven eaten her lasgna yet, then you will think she is the most amazing person ever.¨ He chuckles,¨I think you are the most amazing thing ever.¨

I feel my cheeks grow a light pink and my mom chuckles.

¨Kids these days,¨ she mutters walking out and closing the door behind her.

Author Notes: Hope you enjoy. Last part coming soon.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
15 Jan, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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