Senior Lunch

By Poet

A typical monday, some would say. School starts at 9:10, seniors leave for senior lunch at 10:50. They usually congregrate around in the Senior lot, where they decide where they are going and carpools. I pass them on my way back from my class at the college sharing our campus. Some just drive by me, some wave, and one rolls down the window to say goodbye.

"Have fun!" I yell as he rolls up the window.

And then, they are gone.

those that used to long to leave this campus, earn the right to senior lunch, have gone.

leaving the underclassmen and juniors behind.

now it is just me. my best friends have left.

now, its time for my sophmore friends and I to wreck chaos so the seniors have a suprise waiting for them.

Author Notes: LOL I'm super bored in SH and I usually go and hang with my Senior frens, but they have left. Love y'all, all my senior friends, have fun at lunch<3<3<3

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