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She Lay Shaking

She Lay Shaking

By KeithLankford

She lay shaking
Listening to the foot steps outside
Light would flicker randomly
Shining through the thin window
Casting shadows on the wall behind her
She imagined them coming again
At their mercy in a lawless land
Assaulted beaten
At their hand
She drifted into a light sleep
Waking frequently in the night
But this was nothing new
This was her life

Outside in the city life went on
People worked, shopped
Went out to eat, drink
Never realizing the horrors taking place
She stared out the window in the cold room
The fuel stolen from the heater
This was nothing new
They cared little for her comfort
When she had met with the other prisoners
They talked quickly, whispering
Scared they would be heard
They were always watching
They quickly returned
Fearing their food wood be drugged, poisoned
If they angered the guards or (handlers) as they called them
Many had perished but their was no one to tell
Rumors were heard of “torture” taking place
But the screams often were met with silence
When she got back to her RV she found her puppies dead
Poisoned she guessed, as her other dogs had been
How could this be happing in America
She could never understand this
The counterintelligence operations were long ago exposed
Yet this Stasi like stalking network has operated for decades again in almost near secrecy
Homeland security the American equivalent of the NAZI Brownshirts
Her friend had written about this
Yet her RV remained her prison cell
Fort Worth was the cell block where men and woman
alike found their world imprisoned by murderers
Set on silencing the activist, whistleblowers who spoke of their crimes,
Texas was her prison
America was her captor

Story of Cointelpro survivor Sarah Degeyter as told by Keith Lankford

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About This Story
19 Nov, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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