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“What are you thinking Holmes?”

“I’m thinking Watson, that my deductions may be correct.”

“Do you suspect someone?” David asked.

“I do,” I said.

“You don’t suspect me, do you Mr Holmes?”

“No, I don’t suspect you.”

David gave a huge sigh of relief.

I knew all too well who I suspected.

“I think Watson, that we should pay another visit to the Trembath’s.”

“Do you suspect them?” asked Watson.

“No, I suspect Bailey.”

“Why Bailey?” Watson asked.

“I’ll tell you soon.”

“What would you have me do Mr Holmes? Should I notify the police?”

“No David.”

“Why not?”

“Because Watson and I will deal with the matter.”

I knew just how we were going to do it.

“Very well Mr Holmes. But you and Doctor Watson must come with me to the Inn first.”

“Why?” Watson asked.

“Because there’s someone who wants to meet you both.”

This was unexpected.

“Very well,” Watson said.

The three of us left the farm and headed back to the Inn.

When we entered, David led us over to a table, where a familiar man was sitting.

It was none other than the hunchback.

“You,” said Watson.

“Yes, Doctor Watson.”

I had a number of questions, which I wanted answers to.

“Just who are you?” I asked. “Why were you opposite 221B Baker Street? Why were you travelling on the same train as Watson and I? Are you shadowing us? Are you a spy? Come on man, tell us – now.”

“My answer to your last two questions Mr Holmes, is no.”

“Well then?” I asked furiously.

“I happen to be a very close friend of your brother Mycroft Mr Holmes.”

This didn’t make any sense. Was Mycroft involved in the case?


“Mycroft ordered me to stand opposite 221B until Mr Tobin arrived and to travel on the same train to see that you all got here. He also told me to dress like this – in order to conceal my identity.

“I presume that Mr Tobin knows of this?” Watson asked.

“Indeed he does,” replied the hunchback.

“I still don’t understand,” I said.

“Well, it so happens that Mycroft is known of in these parts – seeing as he is your brother.”

“What is your name Sir?” asked Watson.

“Michael Carpenter.”

“What is the link between you and David here?” Watson asked.

“Mycroft knows David just as well as I, which is how we came to know one another.

“When Mycroft was informed of the events going on in this area, he sent David to keep an eye on things. David chose to work on a farm, so as not to draw attention to himself, which hasn’t quite gone according to plan.”

I was taken aback by all of this.

“Why did you not tell us when we first turned up at the farm David?” I asked.

“I couldn’t say at the time – not with all that is going on – especially not while Mr McFadden was present.”

There was still the matter of why David wasn’t around when the beast had preyed upon Hayley. Maybe he was hiding somewhere on the farm.

“Tell me David, why weren’t you present when Hayley was eaten?” asked I.

“I was with Michael Mr Holmes. After reading the letter, which Hayley gave you, we had to have a serious talk, after all, it wasn’t a matter that could be ignored. After that I went back to the farm in case Mr McFadden realized that I wasn’t there.

“But never mind all that, let us all get down to the matter in hand Mr Holmes.”

We did just that.

“Have you or Doctor Watson shed any light on the matter Mr Holmes?” Carpenter asked. “Have you formed any theories? Is the end in sight?”

“Well, it’s just been one theory after another, but my recent ones do possibly shed light on the matter. Unfortunately however, the end is not in sight.”

“Do either of you suspect anyone?” asked Carpenter.

“Well, Holmes suspects a gipsy called Fred Bailey, who lives at the farm owned by the Trembath’s.”

“I have been to all the farms,” said Carpenter. “So I know of the gypsies. Met them too I did.”

“Do you suspect Bailey Michael?”

“No Doctor Watson.”

“Do you suspect anyone at all?” I asked.

“At the moment, Mr Holmes, I do not.”

“What about you David?” asked Watson.

“I too, suspect no one.”

“This ghastly affair is getting nowhere,” Carpenter said. “I believe that no one can solve this case.”

“Do you share the same opinion, David?”

“Right now, Mr Holmes, I don’t know, but tell Carpenter and myself why you suspect Bailey?”

“I will inform you all of my theories tonight when we visit the Trembath’s.”

“Oh come now Holmes,” said Watson.

“Why are we going to visit the Trembath’s?” David asked.

“Why at night?” asked Carpenter.

“I’ll explain later.”

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31 Oct, 2021
Read Time
4 mins
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