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The following day, my thoughts were on yesterday’s events. The skeleton and the footprints in the field, the accounts given by local farmers, the letter from Hayley McFadden, which David Hunter had demanded thoroughly to read and finally, seeing the hunchback in the Inn.

What stumped me most, was the fact that David had spoken with the hunchback. Was there a connection between the two of them? How did they know one another? Had the hunchback ordered David to spy on Watson and I?

My mind was filled with questions, but I was soon distracted when Jack McFadden burst into the Inn. When he saw Watson and I sitting by the fire, awaiting our breakfast, he came over – terror in his eyes.

“I must speak with you Mr Holmes,” he said fearfully. “And you Doctor Watson.”

“What, now?” asked I.

“Yes Mr Holmes.”

“Go on,” I said.

“The beast invaded my farm last night.”

“I presume that it preyed on one of your calves?” Watson asked.

“Not one of my calves Sir.”

“Not one of your calves?” Watson asked curiously.

“No Sir. It preyed upon my daughter Hayley.”

I was thunderstruck, just like everyone else in the Inn.

“The pair of you must come with me at once,” Jack said.

The three of us left the Inn and headed straight for Jack McFadden’s farm. When we reached it, we found David sweeping the yard.

Jack fetched his dog Harry and led us out of the yard. He then led us through three cow fields and finally, an empty one beside a narrow lane with trees on the other side.

It was then that I saw it – the skeleton – not of a calf, but of Hayley. It was all bloody and broken in places – especially the rib cage and teeth marks covered it all over. Both arms had been pulled out of their sockets and one leg.

All her lovely clothing, which included a pink dress and a pair of black stockings, was completely shredded and blood-stained, as were her torn, tall dark brown leather boots. More blood lay all around the body, along with countless footprints – resembling those, which I had seen at Mr Reynolds farm.

More such footprints indicated that the beast had approached slowly, before stopping about fifteen feet from Hayley. By that, I deduced it must have pounced. Even more prints indicated that the beast must have left slowly.

The sight of it curdled my blood.

“Great Heavens,” Watson said.

I suddenly remembered what Mr Tobin’s daughter had said, about the beast preying on humans. Now my own worst fears were realized.

I stared at Jack, who showed no sign of sadness in his eyes.

“You don’t look unhappy about it,” I said.

“I’m not.”

“Why not Mr McFadden?” asked Watson.

“Because I attach no importance to such feelings in such times as these Doctor Watson. “Why should I grieve, when the same ghastly fate might befall another?”

“It’s a ghastly sight,” Watson said. “I can’t even begin to imagine what she went through.”

A ghastly sight it was indeed, but I was beginning to see some light in the darkness – so I hoped.

I suspected that David Hunter was involved. Maybe he wanted to make Hayley pay for sending the letter to persuade Watson and I to leave the area. Maybe he told her to meet him in the field last night – right out in the open – knowing that the beast would be there. But that seemed totally impossible, for he would have faced the same ghastly fate too. Unless – he had some kind of connection with the beast, or had some control over it – control over the supernatural.

“What are you thinking Holmes?” Watson asked.

I explained my thoughts to Watson and Mr McFadden.

“You may be right Holmes,” said Watson.

“I have no case though.”

“I’ll have it out of him,” Mr McFadden said angrily.

“No Mr McFadden,” said I. “I’ll deal with him myself.”

“Very well Mr Holmes.”

“Should we get the police involved? Watson asked.

“No. I want nothing to do with the police.”

“Why not?” asked I.

“Because the supernatural can’t be arrested.”

“Let’s just see what David has to say,” Watson said. “He may have nothing to do with it.”

So we went back to the farmyard and found David still sweeping away. When he saw us, he stopped and came over.

“Well Mr Holmes?” he asked. “What do you make of it?”

“It’s a brutal affair David.”

“I can’t see myself working here much longer Mr Holmes.”

I wasn’t expecting that.

“Why not?” Watson asked.

“Well, because I might be the next victim.”

David was talking well, but I wondered slightly if he was trying to throw me off the scent.

“Where were you last night David?” Mr McFadden asked.

“Why do you ask that?”

“Because you weren’t around here when Hayley was killed.”

“You’re right Mr McFadden. I wasn’t here.”

“Why not?” asked Mr McFadden.

“Hey, what is this?” David asked.

“Mr Holmes suspects that you may have been involved with my daughter’s death.”

David faced me.

“You suspect me Mr Holmes?”

“Yes, but I have no case.”

“Just what do you suspect Mr Holmes?”

I faced David with my theories.

“But it’s like you said Mr Holmes, you have no case against me.”

“That maybe so, but I’m not going to rule you out – not yet.”

Suddenly, I remembered seeing David talking with the hunchback last night at the Inn.

“One more thing David.”

“What now Mr Holmes?”

“Who is the hunchback, you were talking with last night?”

David’s face turned very pale.

“I can’t tell you that Mr Holmes.”

“You can’t, or you won’t?”

“Please don’t press me further on that point Mr Holmes.”

Watson and I stared at one another.

“Very well David,” I said.

“Thank you, Mr Holmes. Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back to work.”

I had to be satisfied with that.

“Keep a very close eye on him Mr McFadden,” said I. “If you see anything suspicious – “

“Don’t worry Mr Holmes. I’ll deal with him most thoroughly if I see anything suspicious.”

“Thank you, Mr McFadden. Now we must be off.”

Watson and I exchanged goodbyes with Mr McFadden and left the farm.

I had a most uneasy feeling that we would end up going back there.

Furthermore, I wondered whether the hunchback had a hand in the matter.

“Well Holmes, it looks like we’re back to square one.”

I quite agreed.

“Where do we go from here?” Watson asked.

We pay a visit to the Trembath’s and make the acquaintance of the two gipsies.

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About This Story
26 Oct, 2021
Read Time
5 mins
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