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By Rymondo

Day 1: It's dark and cold. The storm grows stronger. It is howling. It sounds like a groan of agony. What is that sound? It sounds like…Death! I hear its wicked laugh, it’s getting louder! I get up and run but I cannot escape. The screams are piercing my ears ever so slightly to drive me into madness. A jagged pain rushes up my spine, I am losing vision. I am truly at poseidon's mercy now. I awaken. I cannot breathe. My lungs are burning inside me. I reach for the surface I can finally breathe but the joy does not last for long for the waves knock me down yet again. I struggle to get back to the surface. I suddenly see a wave as big as a mountain, barreling towards me. Before I know it, Its upon me. I get washed up onto another piece of metal from the boat. Clinging onto my life. Why I decided to abort this god forbidden boat is tormenting my mind. I awoke from my daze with a splash of freezing water. Pain, regret, and sorrow ran through my head, poking and prodding. I saw my brethren dying or dead. Screams from terrified women and children filled my brain once again. Injuries, blood it was all happening. I could still hear the shouts, the panic, the sheer terror, yet it kept getting more distant. It had almost felt like I was in my own bubble. The water was freezing, as deadly as a knife piercing my lonely heart. I started to shiver uncontrollably, and the salt water kept getting into my mouth, making me cough and choke. I spat it out and kept swimming in the general direction of land. I had to survive this, I had to. I suddenly heard a loud explosion coming from the boat behind me. My simple decision to jump overboard probably saved my life. I forced myself to not look back and to not think about anything as I carried on kicking my legs…

Day 2: I awaken on a shore. The waves have taken me there. Praise Poseidon. As soon as I realise the crew is dead I stop rejoicing and searched for survivors. Hours later I return, empty handed. Quickly I find a rock and use my dagger to engrave the names of the crew, out of respect. I place it just above the sand upon the grass. I do not know whether people will search for me or if I am stranded.

Day 3: I awake upon a ship. I was only dreaming! But then I realise the storm is growing stronger. It is howling. It sounds like a groan of agony. What is that sound? It sounds like…Death! I hear its wicked laugh, it’s getting louder! I get up and run but I cannot escape. The water is rising through the deck. The ship is falling apart and I cling onto a piece of metal from the ship. Amidst all the chaos a piece of flying debris hits me in the head. A jagged pain rushes up my spine, I am losing vision. I am truly at poseidon's mercy now. I awaken. I cannot breathe. My lungs are burning inside me. I reach for the surface I can finally breathe but the joy does not last for long for the waves knock me down yet again. I struggle to get back to the surface. I suddenly see a wave as big as a mountain, barreling towards me. Before I know it, Its upon me.

Author Notes: Please leave constructive comments to help me become a better writer!

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About This Story
27 Dec, 2017
Read Time
2 mins
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