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Side Flip Jr. Part Three
Side Flip Jr. Part Three

Side Flip Jr. Part Three

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“Oh! And maybe some potatoes.” I walked over to were all the non frozen things/foods were. I walked to the end of the ile and grabbed a bag of potatoes. “Ok. Now I just need some carrots, and lettuce.” I said. I walked to the big fridge that was right next to the door and grabbed some lettuce and carrots. I walked to the register and gave her the things I grabbed. “ $4.92.” Croseer said handing me a bag that had all my things in it. “1,2,3,4,4.19,4.85,4.92. Here you go.” I said handing her all the money. I left the market. “Show again.” I said and Leapyto appear! I put her in the basket and went home.

I got home and unlock the door. I walked in as I shut the door and put Leapyto on the floor. “I’m home!” I yelled. “Piro could you do the londree today? Thanks” mom said. “No need to say “hello” anymore.” I said, my smile had disappeared. I check the room so I could use my powers. I mad the lundree appear in my room. I appear with it. I used my powers to take care of the landree. I walked to my secret room and said “Sume kent leepo sumes hush… Luke a fi!” The room opened and I walked in. I walked over to the hall that said “Dead End.” I walked to the end of the hall and said “Open sesame.” The hall opened and I went to my counter that had all my stuff on it, like potions I already made. I Grabbed me a pot and started to through all the ingredients into the pot: Eggs, (2) 3 slices of bread, a bag of carrots, half a lettuce bun, a bottle of Antabonict wine, and a handful of sugar. The potion started to bubble, then it turned green. “Thank goodness!” I said. “Wait it took me a long- Oh!!!!!!!!! I still have a long way to go.” I said sighing.

“The sun is going down.” I said picking up Leapyto. I went to my bed that was outside of my secret room. The night was cold, but that was ok.

The next day I walked into the secret room but walked into my portal making room.. “Ok new portal. Let’s test you out and see where you go. I stepped into the portal and when I woke up I was in the pokemon world!!!!!

I looked next to me and saw a………… SKITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed while I hugged the heck out my skitty! “I’m going to name you Sprin- Wait! Leapyto… You came with me!!!” I said. “But in this world you are known as “Sprinkles.”” “Look! There’s a house over there.” I said as I grabbed her and ran into the house. I found the food cover and I gave my skitty some food.

“Let’s go catch some more pokemon!!!” I said to Sprinkles. We walked to the Savary zone, and I looked to see how much money I had. “I have $96.00.” I said. I gave the Pokemon ranger $30.00. He gave me 20 savary balls. I entered the zone and looked around for pokemon… The, there it was! An Eevee!!!!!! I came close to it and through the ball. Don don dingggg! Done don don don don don ding. “Yessssss! I caught an Eevee!” I screamed. I walked out of the zone and went to the poke center. “Hi can you heal Sprinkles and Randy?” I asked the nurse. “Yes. Thanks for waiting!” She said handing me my Pokemon. That was fast! I thought. We walked out of the building and tried to get the eevee evolutions. We trained eevee a lot in Dark Cave ‘till he was level 35.

Then something started to happen. Lights started to go around eevee and he turned into an Umbreon!!!

Author Notes: Ok, I know this has Pokemon, Im not trying to steal from them. I made this in 4th grade! Sry Pokemon company, I am not trying to make profit off of you, this is just a story I made in my free time in 4th grade

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About This Story
16 Apr, 2021
Read Time
3 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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