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Silent Love...
Silent Love...

Silent Love...


Silent love...

I was hosting a standup comedy show like every weekend, but 7th Sep was not the same. I gave the formal intro about myself and show. And, with a loud voice I said, “lets welcome Hitesh on stage with a round applause, Hitesh stage is yours” and went behind the curtains. I was busy texting someone. From the curtain gap, I saw a beautiful smile and a bright face. she just took my sight and I kept looking at her without blinking my eye.

She was with her friend who was speaking to one of the audiences. I was waiting for the show to finish so that, I can compliment her smile. As soon as the show finished, I started looking for her.

I had no clue about her and wasn’t even sure if I can meet her again. I searched all booking details of the show but no luck. As the days passed, I became busy with my work but still I couldn't forget her smile.

Again, on a usual weekend, I was hosting a show and I saw her coming. Her beautiful smile caught my attention once again. I didn’t want to lose this opportunity. I was following all her till the show got over.

When show got over, I saw her near to exit door waiting for people to move out. I went and stood next to her pretending even I want to go out from the same door. A cold breeze of AC made her hairs to wipe of my face smoothly and my heart skipped a beat and I said -“Hi!!” with a low voice. There was no reply, I thought she didn't hear me. So with a big smile I said Hello!! again. she gave a smile and left. I couldn't speak a word. Her smile left me spellbound.

Next weekend again I hosted a show at 5PM hoping she may come today. And Yes!! it was my day. She came walking from the right door and took a seat in front row. I was trying not not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet I saw her ,like the sun, even without looking at her. I decided to meet and express my feelings to her. As I was in middle of the show, I asked my friend to give her a note that I want to speak to her with my number.

He gave the note to her. She read that and left that note on her seat.

After the show I went out first and was waiting for her to come out. I said, "I want to talk to you!! Can I have your 5 minutes please". She gave a silent look and that look had thousand of meanings and she started walking towards parking area. I was confused with that look, should I leave or should I go to her. I didn’t want to wait for another one week so started following her.

I called her “Excuse me!! I want talk to you “. She finally stopped and nodded her head, it was a sign for me to start. I started conveying my words like only we both are there and rest of the world was paused and all that exists for me was her and my eyes staring at her. I kept on speaking. After I finished, without uttering even a word she left the place. I was feeling sad since she didn’t respond anything. I followed her till her place. But then returned with no hopes.

Suddenly got a call from my friend stating "Dude!! I got her phone number on the same note”. And, with mixed emotions I said- “Thanks bro”.

I started thinking should I call or text her?

With mobile in my hand and I was thinking should I text or call her?

Then, I told myself “This will be my last try”. And I texted, "Sorry for making you feel excruciating today. I just wanted to speak to you. Anyways, I will not disturb anymore, Good Night!”

Next Morning as soon as I got up, with one eye opened I checked my mobile thinking I might have got some message from her. And Tadaaaaa!! No message.

I was about to keep my mobile and my phone vibrated. Yes, it was her message. After seeing message notification only, I was on cloud nine. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach and with finger crossed, I opened her message “I am Sorry, but I am not the way you’re thinking, my life is different.” I was in confusion what exactly she means. I tried convincing her with my thoughts and for a minute I felt she is mine.

She was convinced and we started texting each other. That was the happiest moment of my life.

But with time my curiosity started increasing, why she never responds to my calls. Initially I thought maybe she is busy. She might call later but I never got a call back. Instead I just got a message saying “I am sorry!! I can’t speak”. I was in dilemma what does that even mean. All my calls where in her missed call list. I asked her out for lunch and dinners. But every time it was a disappointment for me. I thought surprising her with gift and chocolates will make her happy. So, I got chocolates and a gift for her and reached her place. With lot of excitement I texted her “Come out I’m near your place”.

And the reply was I’m out with my friends, and with heavy heart and disappointment I came back.

I knew she likes me but still why she is avoiding my calls?

Avoiding meeting me? What is stopping her? What is the problem?

With all these questions I couldn’t sleep whole night.

With lot of questions in mind and I decided to call her because I was unable to focus anywhere else. I dialed her number, waited for her to respond and as usual one regular voice from other side “the person you’re trying to call is not answering call after some time”. I was angry and threw my mobile.

I decided not to call her ever or try to meet her. I burst into tears and was questioning myself “what went wrong? What did I do?”.

And suddenly guess what, my phone vibrated and it was her message.

I was happy but angry at the same time. I wanted to wait and respond after some time. Maybe I wanted to make her feel the same way what I felt. I controlled myself for few minutes, but my phone was vibrating continuously with her messages.

Finally, I couldn’t control myself and opened her message. And Yayee!! She wanted to meet me, “I want to talk to you, can we meet at cafe coffee day at 5PM? I don’t know if we don’t meet today may be, we will never see each other again.”

I was confused, angry, frustrated and happy. With all these mixed feelings I said “OK”.

I reached CCD, she was sitting at the corner seat waiting for me. As usual after seeing her smile I forgot everything. I just wanted to meet her. I saw a person standing near her table. The guy was speaking something, and she was making some signs with her hands. I couldn’t understand.

I ignored and went to her. Waved her Hi with a broad smile and spark in my eyes. I sat just opposite to her. I was looking at her and once again I fell for her. I could hear violins playing in background.

I asked her “what would you like to take”. She was quiet. I called waiter and waited her to order something. But she wasn’t speaking anything and looked worried.

I said 2 classic cappuccinos with a mysterious tune. Still with a smile I started the conversation and I felt it’s a one-way communication. She was only listening to me and was trying to tell something, but she couldn’t.

Her eyes were filled with tears. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want her to cry.

I held her hand to make her comfortable. I asked her, “Do you want to share something? I am here for you. Please tell me.”.

And waiter came with order, “Sir! Your coffee”. I asked him to serve her first. He served us coffee and I said thanks. She didn’t even see the waiter or me. She was looking other side.

I started feeling bad. Again, lot of questions started crossing my mind, “did I do something wrong? Did I make her cry?” With all these questions I asked her, “What’s the matter Mouna? Why are you avoiding my calls? Why you always avoid meeting me? Is there anything I have done wrong? Did I make some mistake which made you do that? It’s been almost 3 months, still you never spoke to me or met me. Please Tell me What have I done. I couldn’t sleep whole night yesterday.”

She burst into tears and I got up and sat next to her. I held her hand and said “Please don’t cry! I can’t see you crying” and wiped her tears. With tears in her eyes She made a sign which I couldn’t understand. “I am sorry! I can’t understand” I said. She again did something to make me understand and I realized she can’t speak. I tried understanding her signs and I could understand a bit which meant she is born mute she can’t speak. After seeing that my heart sank for a second. I was shattered. without losing hope, I said “Do you know you have got a beautiful smile. You don’t need words to express yourself. Your eyes and smile speaks a lot.” I saw a cute smile with the tears rolling down from her eyes. I saw a spark and a hope in her eyes to live her life.

It answered all my questions. She liked me but She was afraid of loosing me. And that day, I started loving her a little more. I knew its going to be tuff for me but still wanted to be with her. I loved the silence in her smile, and I felt relaxed.

People think expression can be only done with words but here her smile was enough for me to understand what I was in her life and how much she loves me.

Love needs no words its a emotion!!

Author Notes: If you fell to contact me ,what's app me @872619169

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About This Story
14 Apr, 2020
Read Time
8 mins
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