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By durzo

I turned 17 and my parents signed me up for war. I was all for It. Perhaps it was my wanna be badass that led me there but nonetheless I was there. Later I completed basic training and then went to the elite sniper force delta quad force 2. I hardened there first my best friend Jake who I had come to know immensely sat there with his leg no longer attached to his body. Shrapnel covered his chest. Nothing hurt worse then having to tell your best friend It will be alright when u know deep down he's already dead. I watched him till he died his battle.strengthened Eyes showed regret. I was sent home later due to me being shot twice in my right lung and In the leg. My wife left me apparently no longer finding me attractive because of my wounds. She divorced +e for he boss. Later I found out my who platoon gt killed. When I look vac at it I could have ben in that humvee they all died In. These are men s close to m3 i. Trust my life ti them, a quality most impossible to find in normal society. So here I sit everyone i lived died trying to making things better. To me they Inly made it worse.

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About This Story
6 Apr, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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