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some advice to girls who are in love part 1

some advice to girls who are in love part 1

By heartless212

It all began in the beginning of the seventh grade. This guy, added me on facebook. Idk who he was so I looked at his profile picture. He was pretty cute, he had blonde , blue eyes and he was tall. I accepted the request and a few minutes later, he messaged me. So I messaged back, and we had a conversation. The next few days we talked all night, and soon enough he gave me his number. Once I said hey, he said "will you go out with me?" I replied with a yes, because he was really nice to me and he was cute. Well, the seventh grade was fun, especially cuz I fund out the guy I was dating went to my school. I had a best friend, her name was jade, and she was really nice to me. Once I told her I was going out with austin, she said he wa ugly and gross an that I should break up with him. But I said no, because he wasreally nice and sweet to me. Anyways, a year passed, and soon enough, it got to be eighth grade. Jade wasn't really my friend anymore, and me and my ex were still dating. We got in trouble for PDA (public display of affecti9on) (hugging, kissing) a lot. So we stopped hugging at school and he started coming over. He came over almost everyday. I loved him so much, and I thought he lovd me too.. so, me and my him, texted a lot.. but one day, he asked me for a naked pic. I said no and he got mad at me. He said " if you don't send it that means u don't love me". So I sent it, because I loved him. A week passed and then I decided to go to his house. We hung out at the park next to his house and he kept trying to put his hand down my pants. I kept pushing it away, until he said "its okay babe. Nobodys watching." So I let him. He led me to the public bathrooms and we went into the boys bathroom. He wanted to have sex, I said no, but then he said again, "if you don't, then that means u don't love me. So I did. The next day everybody found out, even my parents. I regreted it. I got in so much trouble, and everybody at

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16 Jan, 2013
Read Time
2 mins
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