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Stranger bt a frn

Stranger bt a frn

By Xlp

There was, dz Girl called emmelio..,few couple of years bck,dz so happend that as i was boarding ma bus 4rm guwahatito itanagar...i happen 2 meet her in thebus .c was jst next to ma the bus startd LEAVING 4rm the ISBT ,aftr a few couple of hrs, the first thing c askd to me was, hey!!"watz ua name"?..m EMMELIO ,c said it politely..actually i didnt hear her clearly n was nt sure wheather c was asking me or smeone else,as earphone was stuck in ma ear ,i was bussy listening a song .vn i didnt reply her c patted me on ma shoulder,this happend so fast..i lookd at her ,c said "m emmelio ,watz urs'"?i told her m Rival,c actually believed it ,i knew that wasnt ma nameat ol n felt srry 4,telling the wrng name 2 her.n askd her wr cs 4rm,c said cs 4rm shillong.i knw y i had askd her the question coz i thought her 2 b sm wr 4rm along or basar side bt i ws wrng,soi askd her the purpose of going to itangar (which i would rather lyk to cl it a bricks city) n c laugh at dz view of mine..c said cs going to c her sick mother n iz admitted in the HEEMA HOSPITAL there is no one to look aftr her there.i said "what u mean saying therez no one "?nw dz was the tin which touchd me a lot.,c said c was the only child of her parent n her father died many years bck in a bus accident in between NAHARLAGUN N ITANAGAR."oh!m so srry EMMELIO i shldnt hv askd u dz'',c said itz k itz a god's marcyful gift to me n tears tripd down 4rm her eyes.i realy felt pity n srry 4 her that moment n tried to console her bt how ?coz i knw i cn only give her sme good cmpliments n cnt share hers pain..c toldme earlier c 2 was in itanagar n her mother is working as an assistent UPO In DUDA dprtmnt aftr her father death c n her mother was the only one lft alone..evrytins changes,the natures,the world even me n u ,v ol change bt memorieS never changes

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About This Story
1 Jan, 2012
Read Time
2 mins
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