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Stupid Choices
Stupid Choices
This story has some quality issues

Stupid Choices


"Why do you keep saying that, because you know it's not the truth. You're just saying that to make me feel good about myself and you also just
want me to think that you care about me but you really don't. Yeah, I know your games!" Brinlee says to her boyfriend, Jaxton.
"And what makes you think that I'm lying?" After Jaxton stops talking there is a moment of silence until Jaxton breaks it.
"Huh, huh, yeah that's what I thought." Jaxton says to Brinlee.
"I care about you Jaxton, a lot, but right now you are really making me mad." Brinlee says while finally calming herself down.
"I care about you too, more than you can even imagine, but really I'm making you mad? Seriously? You got to be kidding me, because you were
the one who started hollering at me because I called you beautiful and even though it's the truth you get mad, really, really, and you say that I am making
YOU mad, WHAT?! Sometimes I just don't understand you, Brinlee." Jaxton hollers with a little bit of laughter.
"Do you just want me to say sorry or something so we can quit fighting and act like we love each other like we usually do?" Brinlee asks with
tears running constantly down her face.
"Sure, that's how we solve everything and look where we are now... FIGHTING AGAIN and it will just keep happening until we actually solve our
issues the right way, because if we don't then you should know by now what's going to happen... THIS, this right here! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT
I'M TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO YOU?!" Jaxton hollers speaking the truth.
"THEN HOW DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD SOLVE THIS 'ISSUE'???" Brinlee says starting to get worked up again.
"I think we should go see somebody to help us out because I'm tired of fighting with you and I only have maybe one more fight left in me to put up
with and after that it's all you because I'm done fighting and I MEAN IT this time BRINLEE!" Jaxton says starting to calm down.
"Well if you're not gonna try anymore then I'm not going to force you to. We're DONE! FOR GOOD!" Brinlee says crying.
"GOOD, because I'm tired of your shit anyways." Jaxton says depressed.
"GET OUT!!! NOW!!!" Brinlee screams at Jaxton while crying.
The next day Jaxton and Brinlee have school and every class together, but Brinlee doesn't come. The next day Jaxton goes to school but still no
Brinlee. The day after that Jaxton goes to Brinlee's house because they have been talking over the phone and she sounds like she is having the best time of
her life but she hasn't been coming to school.
Jaxton knocks on the door, Brinlee's mom opens it with tears running down her face and says, "You! Why did you do this? Why? Why? WHY?!"
"Do what? What did I do?" Jaxton says confused.
"She killed herself because of you! Now do understand what you have done to my poor, sweet, little girl?!"
"No she didn't. Why? She acted like her life was perfect over the phone."Jaxton says with tears running down his face.
"Can I see her?"
"Go ahead, you can't save her now, you're too late." Brinlee's mom says wiping her tears away with a tissue.
Jaxton goes to Brinlee's room and see's her lying on the floor and the gun in one hand and the phone in the other so he grabbed it and it showed,
'I loved you and you gave up on me so now I know I should give up on myself if you gave up on me. Bye, I love you.'
about to hit send I'm guessing. Jaxton breaks the phone and grabs the gun and shoots himself in the same exact spot Brinlee shot herself and now
they are together in Hell and wasted their lives all for something stupid.

Author Notes: This is what happens when people who love each other and get into a fight that isn't really that important and then they turn it into something important by taking it way too far.


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About This Story
22 May, 2017
Read Time
3 mins
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