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Surviving BOOTcamp - Part 1 of 9 - Enlisting

Surviving BOOTcamp - Part 1 of 9 - Enlisting


Dear Online buddies,

Hi! It's Alex Murray! You may not remember me but I know you know me. I was the kid at the back of the class that no one talked to but everyone laughed at. I was the guy with those hip glasses who always dressed to please Mother by tucking in my lime-green turtle neck shirt. In fact I dressed so well that many of my peers seemed jealous and would ridicule me, but I never paid them any mind. Anway, now that your memory is refreshed, I am proud to announce that I am no longer going to be a nerd. I am going to Military Bootcamp! I hope to gain much information and can't wait to sit around a warm campfire toasting marshmallows telling ghost stories! This is going to be the best thing ever! Well, bye for now! Hope to hear from you soon.

Signing off,


Dear Online buddies,

Today I talked to what you would call a recruiter. He said he was going to tell me about this wonderful event called bootcamp but I beseeched him not to. Instead, I asked how to join. After I enlisted, signing paper after paper, he handed me a list of what to bring to bootcamp and what not to bring. I gave him my contact number and he assured me before he left that he would be calling in the next couple of days to let me know when I would be leaving. "In the meantime," the recruiter went on, "I want you to have your bags packed in accordance to the list. Nothing less, nothing more." I nodded and began packing. I made a mental note not to bring any electronical devices. The recruiter said they would shoot me if I had anything electronical - assuming it was a bomb. I laughed. The grizley man seemed to have a good sense of humor, which only made me more eagar to go! The list was stingy and after only packing what I would call essentials I began to play some online RPG games. It's roughly 1:30 in the AM so I think I'm going to "hit the sack".

Signing off,


Dear Online buddies,

This is IT!!! I am due to leave tomorrow at noon! Since I can't bring my laptop, cell phone, Ipad, Ipod, PSP or anything like that I will be witting you via hand-written letters (you remember? Those things they had in the sixties) so be sure to check for them everyday in the mailbox (that black thing right outside your house) as I tell you how grand a time I'm having (try not to get jealous). I will write you tomorrow!

Signing off,


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About This Story
27 Sep, 2010
Read Time
2 mins
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