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Talking to the Dead Reviews

3 reviews have given an average rating of 5 out of 5 Stars
coffeesoakedshoes gave a rating of 5

That twist! Seriously wasn't expecting it, I thought the spook would come from the corpse itself :) Really enjoyed reading this!

xXGLB-LifeStudioXx gave a rating of 5

Oop, Uncle went to far, now I understand why the parents and her siblings didn’t wanna see how Uncle talk to the dead, I wonder what happen to her, this is a good and spooky story! Keep up the work of writing! Have a nice day and be safe.

Lyn gave a rating of 5

My, my, how the turntables...
A wonderful story! Your writing is so mesmerizing. I can't believe his uncle would do that. Well, okay, I was expecting something to go wrong, but that caught me off guard. Great job!

Aaron Sebastians
Aaron Sebastians Thank you very much.
I love your profile pic! Kuzco is great :)
Author -
Lyn You're very welcome! And u r so right XD
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