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"DAD! PLEASE, DONT LEAVE ME!" I scream out in tears. My dad leans in to hug me, or at least thats what I thought, but he slaps me across the face "You pathetic girl. Why are you here? I dont care about you or your sister!" he shouts as he opens the door. I run up to him and grab his arm, "PLEASE DAD! MAGGY AND I WILL BE SEPARATED IF YOU LEAVE AGAIN!" I scream in tears. He pulls he hand back and pushes me "Do you think I care?" he says. I push him to the ground and sob as I look apon my dad. He puts his hand in his pocket, "Dad?" I ask as if I was watching him die. He pulls out a gun and points it at me. My eyes widen in fear, Maggy runs in crying. Maggy has been in our room (well, not really a room, more like a closet) healling from when dad broke her arm because she was hungry and went to get food with me. “Whats going-” she starts then looks at the current problem infront of her. “OMG! DAD STOP!” She screams. “No, youre both stupid girls. You dont belong here.” He said and put his hand on the trigger. Everything felt slow mow, Maggy ran as fast as she could infront of me and hugged me. Dad pulled the trigger and the bullet when right through Maggy’s skin, right through her stumic. Dad gets up, smirks and walks out the door. Leaving me with my barley breathing younger triplet sister. I hold Maggy tighter “Ow.” She says quietly and weakly. “Maggy… dont go.” I say as I hold her in my hands. “I could never, I made a promis after all.” she says and starts heavily breathing. “MAGGY!” I scream, I feel her pulse, its slow. “I guess I broke one too many promises. Sorry, I have to go. Goodbye Em.” she says, her hands flop on the ground, and her head flops the the side. “MAGGY!” I scream. My little sister, my little triplet sister whos younger than me by 2.8 seconds is dead.

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About This Story
23 Jun, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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