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tell me something i dont know
tell me something i dont know
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tell me something i dont know


We were walking hand and hand after what felt like our billionth date i was staring at the side walk making sure my feet didit step on a crack, he was walking me to my house as usual after a date and i asked one of our usual weird questions that he always was eager to answer. “Tell me something i don't know” I said looking directly in his eyes with a side smile, then back at the ground. He continued to hold my hand “I don’t love you anymore” he said without any hesitation. he said it like he didnt care about what expression was on my face cause he was just smiling. we kept walking and i didnt care about stepping on the cracks anymore, my gaze was focused on him and that dumb smile he had on his face.

We approached my door and my heart quickly sank to my stomach and i swear my stomach was in my ass , my fingers began trembling and tears began to fill my eyes. I snatched my hand from his with a confused expression on my face and a whispering voice i said ”what do you mean?”. He didn’t change facial expressions the dumb little smile was still plastered across his face all while I was in the verge of tears, he kissed me on my forehead, looked me in the eyes, let out a small chuckle and said “goodbye alli”.in that moment i realized that he didnt love me and he never did , becuase you cant just walk away from someone you "love". i wanted him to turn around and say it was a joke, or say that he made a mistake but he kept walking and I watched him and stood there, those last words lingered in my brain goodbye alli the now buckets of tears poured out of my eyelids and hit my cheeks in a streaming downpour.

Before I knew it, i was outside my porch at 10:00pm sobbing my eyes out, questioning myself. What did I do wrong that was one question I had no answer to. Those five words haunted me and every time I thought about it I sobbed harder, and that little smile it was mocking me. he didnt care aobut how i felt. he never cared how i felt because when he left all he said was goodbye. how can he just say that and his heart not crack in the slightest? he just stopped loving me. what was crazy all i wanted to do was see that dumbass smile again. im blinded by how much i loved him ill do anything to see his face again.

i slowly wiped all my tears from my now red face and slipped inside unheard. i didnt bother brushing my teeth, or changing clothes i just slipped in bed and hoped that this would all be a dream when i woke up. it wasnt.


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About This Story
3 Jan, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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