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Terrible Pain

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Terrible Pain

By deadgirl2004

She’s in terrible pain, she loves you, how could you leave her behind? She’s suffering in terrible pain at the wrong time, you let her down. She needs you, can't you see that, can't you see you're the only one who made her happy, she’s in terrible pain, she’s never felt pain like this, this pain is the worst she's ever been in. She poured her heart out to you. You said you would never leave but, yet you did. She’s a girl that's suffering in terrible pain... She cuts her wrist now, because of the pain she feels. She blames it on her self for telling you to leave and then telling you to stay. You said you were done that you weren't coming back. She’s a girl with a terrible heartache that won't go away...He’s a boy with terrible pain, he loved her, but just couldn't be with her. The girl he was with before ruined him, she put him through hell, a hell he didn't know existed, he’s a boy with terrible pain, he loved someone else, but couldn’t be with the girl, because of the pain he felt, but he still forced himself to be with her, but then that day came where he couldn’t take it anymore and told the girl that he loved her but couldn’t give her the love she deserved. A boy and a girl who goes through the terrible pain they said they’re goodbyes and that was the end…She said she loved him, But she couldn’t live with this pain, she said I love you to the boy one last time…She took the blade and went as deep as she could in both arms...

She wasn’t breathing anymore. She was the girl that suffered from terrible pain the boy tried to stop her… But he was too late…The girl was gone...

He blamed himself. Until one day he gets a text from the girl's mom…She said that the girl had left him a note… The note said “ I’m sorry I put you through pain, you didn’t deserve it, and you didn’t have to force yourself to be with me. You could have at least told me that you couldn’t do it, that you just wanted to be friends that loved each other or something but just know that it’s not your fault I’m gone I love you goodbye” That was the end of the boy and the girl with terrible pain.

Author Notes: just going through somethings


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About This Story
25 Sep, 2018
Read Time
2 mins
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