One night, a man called Simon, had a very uncanny Astral journey.
To begin with, his Astral body left his physical body and travelled in a flash to the Sphinx at Egypt.
As he gazed in wonder at the statue, Simon descended vertically into an underground stone passage.
The passage was seven feet, both in height and width.
It was brightly lit by rows of luminous, emerald crystals on ledges, carved into the walls.
Furthermore, there was a pair of sealed stones doors, about three metres before Simon.
Engraved into the doors, were strange, unknown symbols.
Because he was in his Astral body, Simon could understand the symbols.
They belonged to an unknown language.
Here is a translation of what was written on the door.
Simon approached the doors, which slid apart by themselves – allowing him to enter whatever lay beyond.
There was beyond the door, a square stone chamber, about twenty feet across and ten feet high.
It was lit brightly by more luminous emerald crystals on ledges, carved into the walls high up close to the ceiling.
Below that, there were shelves upon shelves of small stone tablets running all along the walls. The topmost shelves were about seven feet above the chamber floor.
In the centre of the chamber, there was a metre square stone table and a stone block to sit on.
For a moment, Simon walked alongside the shelves.
As he did so, he removed half a dozen tablets, which seemed to call to him.
He then sat down at the table to study them.
Engraved into the tablets, was some kind of text, consisting of a wide range of strange symbols, including those on the chamber door.
Furthermore, Simon was able to understand what was written on the tablets.
They had written on them, a few pieces of Atlantean history.
The first one revealed information about the Continent of Atlantis, including its geography and one-time whereabouts in the Atlantic.
The second one revealed a little history about Atlantean civilizations.
The third one had written on it, information about highly advanced forms of Atlantean technology.
The fourth one revealed information about Atlantean spaceports and alien visitations.
The fifth one had written on it, information about the end of Atlantis.
The final one revealed information about what became of the survivors.
When Simon had finished studying, he placed the tablets back on the shelves and left the chamber.
The doors slid back together.
He then drifted up out of the passage and returned to his physical body.
When he woke up the following morning, he remembered nothing of his Astral adventure.
Author Notes: Although this is a fiction story, there is an element of truth behind the existence of the chamber. A chamber containing Atlantean history really does exist below the Sphinx.
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