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The Biggest Bully in School
The Biggest Bully in School
This story has some quality issues

The Biggest Bully in School


"Sadie get ready for the first day of your new school."

"Yes, mom."

"Don't be late."

"Yes, mom."

Sadie gets ready for school and she looks her best. Her chestnut brown hair down in curls and a nice shirt with a cardigan on and big bright blue eyes. dark blue American Eagle jeans on. She walks downstairs to eat and brush her teeth then get her lunch packed and get into the car. Her mom finally finishes getting ready and tells Sadie to get into the jeep. Their jeep is a darker silver and has light grey rims on the car. They head out to the school and they get her schedule and show her where to go. As her mom walks outside to get in the car and drive away her mom see's Micheal but Sadie's mom doesn't know who he is or how he act's but Sadie's mom thinks he will be a bad person to hang around with. Micheal and his group all walk past the new girl and the principle. For a sudden moment, Micheal thought he had fallen for Sadie. Sadie did not dare to even take a peek at the group she just kept walking around with the principle. After the principle was done showing her around she went to her locker and opened it. She decorated her locker it was the prettiest locker in the school. Micheal see's Sadie and walks up to her.

"Hey," Micheal said to Sadie.


"What's your name"

"My name is Sadie and if you don't mind I would not like to be late on my first day"

"Ok then let me walk you to class"

Micheal was only acting so nice because it was his dare even though he actually likes her. She hung out with the smart and nerdy kid's so Micheal was afraid to not be rude to her when his popular group is around because he still wants to be in that group and not with the nerds. He knows that if he does not act the same then the group will make fun of him. Sadie thinks Micheal is a flirt but she doesn't think she will be good enough because she hangs out with the nerds. Sadie was acting so precise at her locker because she is trying to play hard to get so she had a really short conversation with Micheal and headed to science. The first period was over so now she went back to her locker to grab and put away stuff and once again here comes Micheal.


"Hi? I have a question."

"I think I may have an answer."

"Why is it that I can't come to my locker alone?"

"That's a good question so good that I don't have an answer to."

"What's your name?"

"That one is easy, It's Michael"

"Well, Micheal I know that you are in the popular kid groups and I'm in the nerd group so I know that you would not be this nice unless you were told to do this by one of your buddies. So if you will excuse me I should be heading to class now."

"No, wait! Listen I was told to do this just like I'm told to do everything that is about to happen in the future except a couple of things."

"Well when you want a serious conversation and no dare talks then come to me but unless you are told then forget about it."

Sadie shut's her locker and walks away and heads to the second period. 45 Minutes later the bell rings and its passing period. Sadie heads to her locker and opens it. She looks around and does not see Michael anywhere so she had a sign of relief. But then some girl walks up to Sadie's locker and Sadie looks up.

"Hey, new girl."

"Hi, and how may I help you."

"You know Michael right?"

"Yeah. Well, he is my boyfriend so back off of him."

"Um excuse me I will not be talked to like this at my locker. And I and Michael are nothing so back off and leave."

"Wow, new girl fisty."

"Unless you have a real and nice conversation with me then leave. Until then bye and my name are Sadie."

The girl walks away and Casie puts her stuff in her locker and heads to her third period.

Author Notes: To hear more of this story then go to my stories and read on


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About This Story
9 Nov, 2017
Read Time
3 mins
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