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The Boy That Doesn't Love Me Back

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The Boy That Doesn't Love Me Back

By Thomass_7

There is some eighteen year old boy who's turning nineteen in eleven days, the boy that is three almost four years older then I am. The boy that's name is being repeated in my thoughts twenty-four seven. This boys name can't be said in this story so I'll call him James.

James is my only reason for happiness lately, he's the only reason I get up and get out of bed. He's the boy that is very perfect but is actually not. James makes my heart beat really fast but beat really slow at the same time. He's probably the only reason why I'm not dead right now.

James sounds like a fairytale but trust me he's not, he's the type of guy who will want something to do with you one day then nothing the next. He's the type of guy who will fill your head with a bunch of bullshit so you'll stay. Like I said James isn't perfect and that's what makes me love him.

James is the type of guy that will do something to make you sad but will make you want to hang out with him so your happy. James is the type of guy your friends will tell you to just be friends with over and over again because he ruined you millions of times but you can't cause you like him to much.

James does things that make me love him a lot like when he sings in the car, when he laughs, when he replies to my sarcasm with sarcasm, when he talks about his car and I have no idea what he's saying, or even when he makes me food.

James also does things that hurt me like when he picks up other girls in his car, ignores me until he needs something, or even when he's with his friend and he acts totally different then he would if it was just us.

I love James and I shouldn't...

Author Notes: I over react sometimes and this might be one of those times. :(


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About This Story
12 Apr, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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