The Cellar
By Malloy
makala looked out the window Her dad was sitting on a bluff and peeing on a unicorn "DAD" "yes" "WHY R U PEING ON A UNICORN" her dad was pooping on it now and he replied "im not pooping on it" 'YES U R!" "no im not"
then she felll in to a cellar and her dad was now pooping on this dude holding a knif "HHAHAHA!" "WHY ARE U LAUGHING" "IM NOT LAUGHING SAM" "YES I AM" "NO SHUT THE FUCK UP" HAHAH UR A FUCKING IDIOT NO IM NOT YES U ARE OK LEMME STOP POOPING ON THIS FUCKING DOUCHE BAG
i hoep u all lik this story it rlly scary
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