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The Change

The Change

By Bean

Lewis and Clark Middle School January 24, 2013

Like in every school there are bullies cliques and just excluding groups. But today that all changed, at 8:15am the navigator team met in the lunch room and then went to the gym. This was the 7th grade courage retreat. When the 7th graders walked in the got rounds of applause from the highschool volunteers it was very welcoming. Once we got inside they were pumping the stereo and we dancd but as usual everyone was in there "groups". Then we had to high five everybody. All through the day we had dance parties and just activities of bringing ourselves closer together. At the end it was very emotional. We sat in a circle and wrote down our act of courage. We got to get up put a pebble in the water and speak our acts. When people got up we heard things like i want to act on not being so mean to others,standing up for people and myself, and i want to be friends with everyone so we can all get along. When there were only 10 minutes left of the retreat people got up and started apologizing for being mean not accepting and just not saying hi in the morning everyone gave eachother a hug saying im sorry and most people started to cry because we had finally came together. We are all friends now and nobody jokes around we are just nice to eachother.

This is what i put for my act of courage:
Hi my name is Sabrina my act of courage is to love myself because I've cut for not loving who i am. Now i will accept my flaws and imperfections i will learn to love me.

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About This Story
24 Jan, 2013
Read Time
1 min
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