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the cheater

the cheater

By TruthBeTold

it started as a little crush.
the unsure feelings for someone.
the butterflies you get in your stomach.
an innocent liking that couldn't be stopped.
i didn't know what i was getting myself into.
i didn't know how to move on.
i kept running back, like i was lost.
i liked him.
we became bestfriends.
we told eachother everything without taking caution.
we became more then friends,
but i didn't want to be just friends.
i wanted to be his, and his only.
but he liked 2 of my best friends.
and me, at least i thought.
but i didn't care.
i was going to win him, no matter what it took.
i played stupid, and hard to get.
so i won, they gave up, and i won.
i had him and the sad part was i didn't trust him.
i could never trust him.
but he was addicting, and i couldn't give up just yet.
untill he touched my closest friend.
and she touched him back.
she liked it, but he just wanted to have fun.
i didn't talk to him for a while....
untill he won me back again with his tricky words.
i was gullible and my mixed feelings meant love.
so one night i walked to his house,
only to find him with his ex-girlfriend making out.
i thought he "loved" me.
big mistake.
but stupid me forgave him and took him back.
it only took 3 days for him to get with 3 girls.
the first girl, i didn't care much for.
the second girl was me, and should have stayed me.
the third girl knew nothing about our relationship at the time.
she was the girl that was my closest friend.
he touched her and she touched him back.
he lied to me and cheated on me.
of corse i took him back.
so i sit there and text him asking him what he's doing.
his response, "hanging out with mia:)"
my response, "...have fun:/"
he thought i was okay with it and asked, "whats wrong?"
my response, "you like her:/"
his response, "sooo what!"
he can kiss my ass.

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About This Story
2 Jun, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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