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The Chronicles of Sepperince 1
The Chronicles of Sepperince 1

The Chronicles of Sepperince 1

1 Review

She walks down the deer path to the meadow. Hoping to get there before they get mad at her of course she was going to be late she was always late. Just remember that you had to make food they didn't she thought to herself. The grass in the meadow was almost as tall as her effectively hiding her friends from view. She knew where they would be they were creatures of habit and they did not like change.

"Sepperince!" she was called farther into the grass as her friend could smell her coming. She was attending the three fourths council meeting of their sector granted she had to attend the council meeting in every sector because she was the mediator and they didn't want a repeat of 3 years ago when a young one was killed.

When she finally appeared in the clearing a little one tackled her knocking her down. Accalia struggled to get her child off Sepperince and under control. "Sorry, Spperince." the tired mother said.

Sepperince laughed, "Your always so worried that I will get mad don't worry she is just a lowella she can't harm a fly." Accalia only stared fangs her but did not say a word. Sepperince wish she would lighten up a bit yet she thought she was growing into her maturity well.

Sepperince whistled calling the meeting to order and getting ready for the long hours of discussion about food and other resources along with the boarders in which the different groups would be safe in. Lastly she would have to hear from the old man about her incompetence to do her job.

Near the end of the meeting the he came up and said, "Why do we listen to this 18 year old girl? Why is she the one to represent us all? She is a human; she can never understand us."

"Well," Said the wolf standing next to Accalia, her mate, "She has been living in this forest longer than the rest of us even the oldest turtle was told stories about her when she was young she may appear to be a youngling but she is over 400 years old." "417, to be exact." Said Sepperince cutting in, "And just like last gathering I will tell you I am more woodland than I am human. I have lived here for years and you," gesturing to those gathered' "are my only family."

So the meeting ended and Raleigh made her ride him home because it was a 45 minute run even without her on his back. Rey his mate followed him to Sepperince's cave. But a lone wolf tracked them to the hideout.

Author Notes: I know that my username is Sepperince she is a character from this story that has filled my mind for many years that I based off myself when I was much younger. So I hope you like it.

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About This Story
27 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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