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the clown

the clown

By storytellermage

During the great depression, there was a former circus clown who lost his job at the circus and now works for a factory in the city. He is unsatisfied with his life, so on his days off he puts on his old clown suit and entertains people in the streets. He entertains people of all ages, especialy children who sometimes follow him as he leaves.
One day as he was getting ready to entertain, he decided to have a smoke in an ally because he worked harder than usual that week. while he was lighting his cigarette, a hand came from the shadows in front of him, inviting him in. The match fell from his hand, the cigarette fell from his mouth and, in a trance, walked towards the shadow.
A clown walked into the shadow, a clown left the shadows, but now he was filled with more energy and excitement. He rushes to the crowds and does all his old tricks, tells some jokes, even dancing. When he leaves, the children followed him. They followed him into the ally, never to leave again.
Later that night, in an old cabin dimly lit by a fireplace, the clown's suit, and the clown's skin hangs on a hook on the wall. By the fire sits a creature eating its meal, all the while throwing the bones into a pile.

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About This Story
14 Dec, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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