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The D*** Dog

The D*** Dog

By pscho_blonde - 1 Review

One day on December 23, right before Christmas Eve, a young boy named Vlad,was sitting in Santa's lap.
"What do you want for Christmas?"asked Santa.
"I want a d*** trampiline in my front yard"Vlad said..
Santa was in shock."What did you say?"he asked.
The Vlad just looked at him.
"I'm going to ask you again."Santa said."what do you want for Christmas?
"I want a d*** trampiline in my backyard."Vlad replied.
"Boy..."Santa said."I'm going to ask you one more time.What do you want for Christmas?"
Vlad replied: I want a d*** basketball goal on the side of my house."

Santa told Vlad's parents to put dog poop on the side , front, and back of the house.The parents did as they were told.So,when Vlad woke up that moring he ran outside to see if he had got what he wanted.He walked all the way around the house and all he found was the dog poop.When he walked back inside his mother said "Vlad dear,what did you get for Christmas?"
Vlad looked at her and said "I got a d*** dog put I cant find it."

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About This Story
10 Oct, 2009
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5.0 (1 review)

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