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The Day After My Suicide
The Day After My Suicide

The Day After My Suicide

2 Reviews

"One day after my suicide"

The day after my suicide, I fell in love with my mother when I saw her crying on the floor of my room, hugging my bloody shirt with my photos scattered around her , I saw so much love in her eyes!

The day after my suicide, I felt how much my father love, no matter how hard it was, In the midst of so much sadness, he spoke to me with tears in his eyes about how proud he was of me and how sensitive I was to others!

The day after my suicide, I saw that Kiara (my dog) was more incredible than I could have imagined. Every time someone came home, she would run to the door waiting for me and, seeing that it was not for me, would lie down in front of the door and continue waiting for me.

The day after my suicide, I loved it for my brothers when I saw them sitting in the room with their eyes full of tears, they remembered the times when we played in our beautiful childhood … What a good time!

The day after my suicide, I felt how much my best friend loved me , she was looking at our photos together and remembering all the moments!

The day after my suicide, I felt that I was important to my teachers. They blamed each other so much for not noticing...

At night, I went to the morgue to look for my body. I get upset. I looked at myself and said: "So many dreams we had", "So many loves", "So many people to meet", "You had people who loved you and yet you threw it all up ", " You have to have a lot of courage to take your life Why didn't you use that courage to win?"

Thank goodness that was just a vision.

You can read this! You are still here and can change your life forever. You are better than you think you are . Prettier ,smarter, stronger.

"I know you will get out of this I promise you I wish you the best."

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About This Story
28 Apr, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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4.5 (2 reviews)

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