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The day i regretted the most

The day i regretted the most

By E-kiat

Again, I back from hospital. I have a big house, but always, silence is an only thing who accompanies me when I am home. I establish a successful company, I earn lots of money, but then I realize, money cannot buy happiness or time and health. I am a president of company, but I could not manage to take good care of a little girl.
3 years ago, something happened on 15th of June 2008, a sunny day.
My daughter, a cheerful 9 years old girl although without mother. One day, when I limped home from working, she stormed toward me with a paper, then jumped to me, “Daddy daddy, see, I got first place in my class this exam.” “Good girl, ” I did not even look at the result. Then I limped into my room. I knew, she would be very upset looking at my shadow, but I was still ignoring her feeling.
“Good night dad, I love you.” She murmured.
The next morning. Sunday, 15th June 2008.
She demanded me to take her for a picnic at the beach as a reward of her result. I was busy doing my works, casually promised her and my head down again. After 30 minutes, “Dad, let’s go,”she delighted. I looked at her, a girl with 140cm height dressing like a Barbie doll and with a pink felt cowboy hat, smiling giggly and holding a box. I did not ask for the box, what I knew was she was absolutely cute. Thinking that I had not been bringing her out for so long, I put down my pen, “Wait for me my dear, I go preparing for the things.”
She put the box at the behind seat. “What’s that box my dear?” She looked at me, making her eyes smaller and tittered , “he he he, it’s a secret.” I was still wondering but did not ask more.
Then, we reached the beach. There was so many people and hardly to find a shady place to put straw mat. But we found it. After putting the things down, she asked me to teach her swimming. I nodded my head, then immediately she pulled me down to the sea.
We were playing happily, but happiness seemed did not last more as I met my working partner there too. We started to discuss our works. Before that, I looked at her, she was just staring at me, from her eyes, I saw sadness. Yet, she then still smiled to me and said “Dad, after finish your talking, remember teach me swimming, and don‘t talk too long.”
“Alright, and you remember not going too deep, just stay at the beach, but you may play with water.” I mentioned.
While discussing the works, I saw people surrounding at the place where near my daughter played at. I tried to look up for her but to no avail. I felt something going wrong, quickly I rushed to the place. A man was trying to give the lying body first aid by pressing on her stomach, and the water was pushed . Drowned? I thought. I could not see clearly as my sight was blocked by people. I tried hard to pull out surrounding people. And then I got stunned.
Immediately I carried her to the hospital, doctor told me that she was not in danger, just she might….
I back to my car, still the box was there. I opened it, there were a drawing and a card inside. A drawing of a dad and a daughter are holding hand and smiled happily, and the card was written “Happy Father’s day, I love you. I hope you like my drawing.” Father’s day today? I just realized
If I would there with her, it would not happen, if I was willing to forget my job, she would still stand in front me jumping here and there. But just if I knew. I wish if I knew.
Now, I am still praying for the miracle, hoping she will wake up one day, and hear she says “Daddy, I love you.”

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About This Story
8 Oct, 2011
Read Time
3 mins
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