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The Dragon Who Dragged On
The Dragon Who Dragged On

The Dragon Who Dragged On

TheDeckerEdgeMatt Decker

Once upon a time
In a precinct now extinct
Lived a gabby dragon
Who wasn't very succinct.

Even on the day
When he had not much to say
Still the words he'd say
Would stretch throughout the day.

Every creature would avoid him
This really began to annoy him
It had less to do with Loch Ness
And more to do with monotonous.

"Why are the folks in this city
In such a state of tizzy?"
No one had the pity
To tell him he's not too pithy.

Inevitably there comes a point
When you must reach the point
Else your audience will tire
Even if you can breathe fire.

There's more that could be written
About this gibbering dragon
But wouldn't that miss the lesson
Of the dragon who dragged on?

© Matt Decker

Author Notes: A mythical lesson in pithiness

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About The Author
Matt Decker
About This Story
15 Jun, 2018
Read Time
<1 min
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